by dino | half-cocked ranting, libertarian, revealing too much, Two Minutes of Hate
Commercials, commercials, commercials… As I stopped at 7-11, a clip of Nancy Pelosi saying that her “favorite word” is “The Word.” They laughed *at* her and started getting goofy. Coincidentally, there was a woman in line ahead of me at...
by dino | half-cocked ranting, libertarian, revealing too much, skeptic/atheist, Two Minutes of Hate, web stuff
My old friend, Penn Jillette, was featured in this article in Vanity Fair. Which puts a cap on a few weeks of really fascinating “Glenn Beck is Evil” conversations I’ve been having. Apparently, if you don’t HATE GLENN BECK BECAUSE HE IS THE...
by dino | acting b.s., half-cocked ranting, revealing too much, the "good old days", Two Minutes of Hate
Neither Conan O’brien nor Jay Leno give a fuck about you. It’s worth thinking about for a minute. The same way you might want to think about how little the guys on “your team” think about you before your week is ruined by “your...
by dino | 'thatguy', acting b.s., clip-o-rama, revealing too much, skeptic, Two Minutes of Hate, web stuff, webophilia
No, stomatology I’m not Jada Pinko Smith and the Wicked Lester or Jester numetal band. Comedy from the Golf Movie: httpv:// I owe a write-up of “TAM7 – The Luckiest Tam” and will get right on...
by dino | half-cocked ranting, libertarian, revealing too much, travel, Two Minutes of Hate, web stuff
Penn & Teller have been using the Bill of Rights – Security Edition cards in their live show for a while now and USA Today picked up the story. Pretty cool. Reading the...
by dino | half-cocked ranting, libertarian, skeptic/atheist, Two Minutes of Hate, web stuff
I can’t take credit for the “two minutes of hate” meme; that honor belongs to Mr. Orwell. I can take some credit for spreading it around recently and I was very happy when my friend, see Colin, called me with the understanding that this Swine Flu...