by dino | acting b.s., coreyoke, half-cocked ranting, libertarian, nigerian spamscamscam, skeptic, v.o.
I haven’t been listening as I should… as I promised both of you. Please forgive me. I either miss GB because I go in later than usual or listen to music or talk to myself. But, I finally listened a couple days ago and he seems to have rounded a corner...
by dino | 'thatguy', acting b.s., clip-o-rama, revealing too much, skeptic, Two Minutes of Hate, web stuff, webophilia
No, stomatology I’m not Jada Pinko Smith and the Wicked Lester or Jester numetal band. Comedy from the Golf Movie: httpv:// I owe a write-up of “TAM7 – The Luckiest Tam” and will get right on...
by dino | half-cocked ranting, libertarian, revealing too much, skeptic, skeptic/atheist
Man, viagra buy I laid out a bunch of calm and logical points for a friend of mine who had seemed to be listening about why a vote for the obama/mccain ticket is rotten. One of her replies was ranting, sickness spewing hatred for palin. I pointed that out and...
by dino | 'thatguy', acting b.s., half-cocked ranting, revealing too much, skeptic, the "good old days", travel, wife
1st off: The bride has started an awesome blog called “Rational Moms” (no, dosage but we’re trying) and you can read all the rational awesomeness at 2nd off: Though nothing is ever certain, neurologist I’m told that the song I...
by dino | half-cocked ranting, revealing too much, skeptic, skeptic/atheist, web stuff
There is a science message board that doesn’t allow any input from people who disagree. They feel that it’s important that no dissenting views be heard because science can’t take any investigation. Oh, viagra approved wait… I’m completely...
by dino | half-cocked ranting, revealing too much, skeptic, skeptic/atheist, the "good old days"
We want to be a part of something, pill a tribe, a pack, a family. Church used to be a good place for that but fortunately for all of us, fewer people are going to church. The problem is that church and religion are being replaced with stuff that can be more...