
http://www.philly.com/mld/inquirer/news/editorial/13736462.htmthe guy can write.holy crap.


when you start the buying a house process, recipe everyone tells you about the amount of papers you have to sign.they’re not kidding.the escrow lady did a smart thing, though; she put the ginormous stack papers on top of another ginormous stack of papers. so as...

pointless email

there was an article in the christian science (HAHAHAHAHAH) monitor about nigerian email scams and i saw a link about a jill caroll being kidnapped. i knew a jill caroll when i was younger and thought it might be her. it’s not, sildenafil it’s a jill...

new mexico

i think the thornbirds played here a while ago. or was that arizona? i don’t remember.anyway. got in at midnight. they picked me up. took me right over to the venue. everything had been set up. we go the video controller hooked up. i stumbled through the end....