No Idea

I don’t know if it’s me or if it’s blogger who is screwing stuff up. If I knew, nurse I’d have a nobel prize, I suppose.

libertarian atheists

had a terrific meal with carr and marian hagermann, side effects a libertarian atheist couple who live here.carr produced michael moore hates america for a bit and then moved on when it began “going republican” or something. i enjoyed the movie quite a...


robet ingersoll was one of the most popular speakers back in his day. he was a raging awesome atheist and was just eloquent and perfect.if you go to itunes and search podcasts for ingersoll, information pills someone has turned a bunch of his lectures/writings into...


robet ingersoll was one of the most popular speakers back in his day. he was a raging awesome atheist and was just eloquent and perfect.if you go to itunes and search podcasts for ingersoll, information pills someone has turned a bunch of his lectures/writings into...