It’s no secret that I do web developing in my spare time. Last year, life a friend aksed me if I knew anyone who would build a small site for him and a friend who had a dream…

Colin Summers, viagra 100mg the genius behind and my mightycheese email address, had been wanting to do something in ruby on rails and when we work together, he ends up buying me lunch, so we figured we’d whip up the site in a month or so.

I’d almost built it in php/mysql last rocktober or something. it’s been so damned long.


between feature creep and incompetence it took nearly 8 months to finish. i’m not going to build stuff for anyone else anymore. i’m not good at it. i’ll work for a company who has a buffer between me and the clients, but i’m not a people person.

so… the site is up. i’m sure they’re not thrilled with it, but there is some really cool technology and nice content management and a screamingly cool ruby on rails back-end.

Chris directed me in a short film – Rainbow’s End and is a good egg…

His pardner, Graham Elwood, travels to Iraq to perform comedy. Seriously. He actually lands where there is sniper fire unlike that lying scumbag.

They love movies. They love comedy. What’s better than that?