by dino | charlatans on parade, half-cocked ranting, revealing too much, techishness, web stuff, webophilia
If you had so much time on your hands that you thought “hey… i wonder what’s up with that guy who did three episodes of alf with no sleep and totally heartbroken, I think I’ll look him up on the google!” and figured out my name (dean...
by dino | charlatans on parade, clip-o-rama, seemed like a good idea at the time, skeptic/atheist, web stuff
Definition of a “sweat act” in the showbiz. [youtube S2SUaoVy_iU]
by dino | Bill of Rights - Security Edition, charlatans on parade, half-cocked ranting, libertarian, seemed like a good idea at the time, the "good old days", travel, web stuff, webophilia
Rocktober 26th is the 10th anniversary of the USA PATRIOT ACT. Let’s stand up and cheer for that, shall we? Or how about hanging our heads in shame. That’s the day that citizens and politicians went bonkers and passed laws limiting the freedom of citizens...
by dino | charlatans on parade, clip-o-rama, half-cocked ranting, skeptic, skeptic/atheist, webophilia
I received an email by mistake… well maybe it WASN’T A MISTAKE!!! MAYBE IT WAS THE GAZE!?!?! What the hell am I talking about? I’m talking about a genius, people. I’m talking about a charlatan who doesn’t even fucking talk. He...